
3d dot game heroes trailer
3d dot game heroes trailer

3d dot game heroes trailer

(And “nords!” to any of you who didn’t…I can make snide comments because you’re not actually reading this.) Thanks for watching the trailer and reading this far down. The game has a number of significant improvements over the original Japanese version, including an OPTIONAL HDD install (approximately 1.2gb in size) to reduce/eliminate load times, dozens of new, North American-exclusive load screens that parody popular game box art, and more!.We view the super cool $39.99 price point as a rather nice bonus. We’re not currently planning any pre-order bonus items.There is no multiplayer component to the game.Even videos often fail to do the game justice. The game DOES look amazing in person you’ll just have to trust us on this.Ask anyone who’s played the game: it’s not about how big it is, it’s about… oh, nevermind.

3d dot game heroes trailer

Many of the swords cannot and will not swing out all the way in those situations, making size… well… irrelevant.

3d dot game heroes trailer 3d dot game heroes trailer

Moreover, only near the end of the game will you have a sword THAT large, not to mention one with the ability to penetrate geometry (i.e. You’re only that big when you’re at FULL health (intuitive, right?), and you’ll rarely be at full health for long stretches of time. The huge swords evident in some screens/videos do NOT break the game.Oh, and to address a couple comments that have been popping up in posts relating to 3D Dot Game Heroes: So why should you be excited? Aside from the retro 3D visuals, ear-gratifying musical score, and extremely addicting, nostalgic action-adventure gameplay, you mean? Well… BECAUSE IT HAS TRAILER MUSIC! Did you hear it? Like, the part with the chorus singing in the background? Who cares if the game is awesome (it is, by the way) when you have trailer music with voices chanting in the background!? EPIC TRAILER MUSIC! EPIC TRAILER TEXT! EPIC TRAILER!ģD Dot Game Heroes, the PlayStation 3 exclusive that promises to inject retro-saccharin goodness directly into your corneas (those are part of your eyes, whippersnappers), has a full video trailer… And here it is! (Well, it’s actually right above this text.

3d dot game heroes trailer